> ±³À°¾È³» > º¼ Æ®·¹ÀÌ´×
±³À°³»¿ë : Ball training 2±Þ ¿¬¼ö°úÁ¤
±³À°½Ã°£ : 8½Ã°£ ±³À¯(½Ç±â ÀÌ·Ð Æ÷ÇÔ)
±³À°´ë»ó : üÀ° °ü·Ã ÁöµµÀÚ, üÀ°, º¸°Ç °è¿­ÀÇ ÀçÇÐ ÁßÀÎ Çлý
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Bell Stretching
  • Cervical Lateral Flexion
    (¸ñÃø¸é ±ÁÈ÷±â)
  • Neck Rotation Stretching
  • Cervical Flexion / Extension
    (¸Ó¸® ±ÁÈ÷°í Æì±â)
  • Shoulder Relax
    (¾î±ú ±äÀå Ç®±â)
  • Shoulder Rotation
    (¾î±ú µ¹¸®±â)
  • Trunk Stretching
    (¸öÅë ½ºÆ®·¹Äª)
  • Anterior Foot Stretching
    (¹ßµî ½ºÆ®·¹Äª)
  • Soleus Stretching
  • Hamstring and Calf Stretching
    (ÇܽºÆ®¸µ°ú Á¾¾Æ¸® ½ºÆ®·¹Äª)
  • Hip Flexor Stretching
    (°í°üÀý ±¼°î±Ù ½ºÆ®·¹Äª)
  • Scissors Stretching
    (°¡À§ ½ºÆ®·¹Äª)
  • Quadriceps Stretching1
    (´ëÅð»çµÎ±Ù ½ºÆ®·¹Äª1)
  • Quadriceps Stretching2
    (´ëÅð»çµÎ±Ù ½ºÆ®·¹Äª2)
  • Hip Adductor Stretching
    (°í°üÀý ³»Àü±Ù ½ºÆ®·¹Äª)
  • Side Band Stretching
    (¸öÅë Ãø¸é ½ºÆ®·¹Äª)
  • Chest and Anterior Shoulder Stretching
    (°¡½¿°ú Àü¸é ¾î±ú ½ºÆ®·¹Äª)
  • Prone Baby Flextion Stretching
    (¾þµå·Á µî ½ºÆ®·¹Äª)
  • Bilateral Shoulder Flexion Stretching
    (¾î±ú ½ºÆ®·¹Äª)
  • Pectoralis Minor Stretching
    (¼ÒÈä±Ù ½ºÆ®·¹Äª)
  • Pectoralis Major Stretching
    (´ëÈä±Ù ½ºÆ®·¹Äª)
  • Rhomboid Stretching
    (´ÉÇü±Ù ½ºÆ®·¹Äª)
Seated Position
  • Crunch on the Ball
    (º¼ À§¿¡¼­ ¸öÅë ±ÁÈ÷±â)
  • Sit Back
    (¸öÅë ½ÅÀü)
  • Toe Raises
    (¹ß ¾Õ²ÞÄ¡ µé¾î¿Ã¸®±â)
  • Heel Raises
    (¹ß µÞ²ÞÄ¡ µé¾î¿Ã¸®±â)
  • Knee Extension
    (¹«¸­ Æì±â)
  • Unilateral Hip Flexion
    (¹«¸­ µé¾î¿Ã¸®±â)
  • Hip Internal and External Rotation
    (°í°üÀýÀÇ ³»È¸Àü°ú ¿ÜȸÀü)
Supine Positon
  • supine Rotation
    (¸öÅë µ¹¸®±â)
  • Floor Crunches with Feet on the Ball
  • Ball Rolls with Feet on the Ball
    (¾ç´Ù¸®·Î º¼ ±¼¸®±â)
  • internal and External Rotation of Legs
    (¹ß¿¡ º¼ ³¢¿ö ȸÀü ¿îµ¿)
  • Bilateral Knee Flextion and Extension with ball against Wall
    (º¼À» º®¿¡ ºÙ¿©¼­ ¹«¸­ ±ÁÈ÷°í Æì±â)
  • Knee to Chest
    (¹«¸­ ±ÁÇô º¼ Àâ¾Æ ¿Ã¸®±â)
  • Knee Flexion and Extension
    (¹ß¸ñ »çÀÌ¿¡ º¼À» ³¢¿ö ¹«¸­ ±ÁÇû´Ù Æì±â)
Standing Position
  • Push of the Ball with Shoulder Flexion
    (¾î±ú ±¼°îÇÏ¸ç º¼ ¹Ð±â)
  • Arm Raise with Ball Against Wall
    (¼ÕÀ¸·Î º¼ ¿Ã¸®±â)
  • Knee Flexion and Extnsion
    (¹«¸­ ±ÁÈ÷°í Æì±â)
  • Hip Flexion/Extension and Internal/External Rotation
    (º¼ Àü, ÈÄ, ÁÂ, ¿ì·Î ±¼¸®±â)
  • Full Squat
    (¾É¾Ò´Ù ÀϾ±â)
  • Ball Lift
    (º¼ Àâ°í ÀϾ¸é¼­ À§·Î ¿Ã¸®±â)
  • Lunge
  • Rotation to Overhead Lift
    (´ë°¢¼± À§·Î º¼ µé±â)
  • Forward Lunge with Trunk Rotation
    (·±Áö ÀÚ¼¼¿¡¼­ ¸öÅë ȸÀü)
Lateral recumbent Position
  • Hip Adductor Squeeze
    (¾ç ¹ß·Î º¼ Á¶À̱â)
  • Hip Adductor and Adductor Lift
    (¾ç ¹ß·Î º¼ Àâ°í µé¾î¿Ã¸®±â)
  • Leg Abduction
    (´Ù¸® ¿ÜÃøÀ¸·Î »¸±â)
Prone Position
  • Ankle squeeze
    (¹ß¸ñ Á¶À̱â)
  • Knee Flexion or Hamstring Curl
    (¹«¸­ ±ÁÈ÷±â)
  • Prone Unilateral Knee & Hip Extension
    (¾þµå·Á ÇÑÂÊ ¹«¸­°ú ¾ûµ¢ÀÌ Æì±â)
  • Bilateral Shoulder Flexion
    (¾þµå·Á ¾ÕµÚ·Î ÆÈ Èçµé±â)
  • Shoulder Flexion / Extension
    (¾þµå·Á ¾ÕµÚ·Î ÆÈ Èçµé±â)
  • Cervical Flexion
    (¸ö ±¼°î)
  • Prone Balance, Prone Plank Positon
    (º¼ À§¿¡ ÆȲÞÄ¡ ´ë°í ÁöÅÊÇϱâ)
  • Contralateral Shoulder Flexion and Leg Extension,
    Alt emating Arm and Leg Lift
    (ÆÈ ´Ù¸® µé¾î ¿Ã·Á ±ÕÇü Àâ±â)
  • Trunk Extension
    (¾þµå·Á °øÀâ°í ÆÈ ¿Ã¸®±â)
  • Unilateral Knee Flexion and Hip Extension
    (¹«¸­ ±¸ºÎ¸®¸ç ¾ûµ¢ÀÌ Æì±â)
  • Lumbar Lordosis
    (¾ûµ¢ÀÌ ¿Ã¸®±â)
  • Bent-Knee Back Extension
    (¹«¸­ ±ÁÇô ¾þµå·Á À­¸ö ÀÏÀ¸Å°±â)
  • Static Back Extension
    (¹«¸­ Æì°í ¾þµå·Á À­¸ö ÀÏÀ¸Å°±â)
  • The Scissors
  • The Diver
Bridge Position
  • Neutral in Bridge Position
    (ºê¸®Áö ±âº» ÀÚ¼¼)
  • Heel Raises
    (µÞ²ÞÄ¡ µé±â)
  • Bridge T Fall-Off
    (¶³¾îÁöÁö ¾Ê°í ¹öƼ±â)
  • Reclined Knee and Hip Flexion
    (±â´ë¾î ¾É¾Æ ÇÏü ±¸ºÎ¸®±â)
  • Trunk Flexion/Extension with Feet on the Ball,
    Control Back(¸öÅë ±¼°î/ ½ÅÀü)
  • Trunk Curls
    (À­¸ö ÀÏÀ¸Å°±â)
  • Supine Hip Lift, Bridging
    (´©¿ö¼­ ¾ûµ¢ÀÌ µé±â)
  • Supine Leg Curl
    (´©¿ö¼­ ´Ù¸® ±¸ºÎ¸®±â)
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